How to Clean your Philips HeartStart OnSite AED

How to Clean your Philips HeartStart OnSite AED

How to Clean your Philips HeartStart OnSite AED

AEDs are life-saving devices that help save someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest victims rely on a working AED for their survival, so it’s important to keep it cleaned. When cleaning your Philips HeartStart Onsite AED, it’s critical to use the proper cleaning solutions. Using the wrong cleaners could potentially damage the AED. Cleaning your Philips Onsite AED and performing regular inspections is a way to ensure your device stays in working condition. Perform the following steps in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions:

    1. Make sure your hands are clean.
    2. Use gloves.
    3. Check your Philips OnSite AED for any dirt or dust.
    4. Remove the AED from its case.
    5. You can clean the outside of the OnSite AED and its red carry case with a soft cloth dampened with:
      • Soapy water
      • Chlorine bleach (2 Tbsp/quart or liter of water)
      • Ammonia-based cleaners
    6. Be sure not to get any liquid in the crevices.
    7. Dry off any left-over moisture on your device.
    8. Ensure that the readiness indicator is showing a green ready indicator.
    9. Put the AED back into its case.
    10. Store your AED as normal.

Do not put any part of the OnSite AED directly into water or other fluids. Do not use alcohol, rough materials, cleaners, or strong solvents.
