What is Virtual Basic Life Support (BLS)?

Sudden cardiac arrest is the most common cause of death and having someone trained in basic life support nearby in an emergency situation can help decrease the amount of SCA deaths per year and save lives. Basic Life Support (BLS) contains lifesaving techniques when someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), respiratory distress, or an obstructed airway.2

With the increase in virtual classes, it is even more convenient for individuals to obtain training on skills that can help save a life such as CPR, using an AED, or BLS. AED.com offers virtual BLS training, which gives students the certification and licensing requirements they need to help in an emergency. BLS can be performed by lay people, trained bystanders, or certified responders and should be put into effect immediately in the event a cardiac emergency does occur.

What You Will Learn in BLS Training

During virtual BLS training, you can expect to learn critical thinking, teamwork, and decision-making skills to help in a resuscitation situation. Additionally, you can expect to learn information on:

  • Rapid assessment and visual surveys
  • CPR
  • Obstructed airways
  • Opioid overdoses
  • Legal considerations
  • Precautions to take for adults, children, and infants

AED.com’s virtual BLS course is an interactive, four-hour course complete with a skill test evaluation. Participants are supplied with a skills evaluation supply kit. It is best for individuals and healthcare workers who want to be more prepared in an emergency.

Benefits of Virtual Training

There are many benefits to virtual training including no class size requirement, no driving long distances, and no time crunch to complete the training. In-person classes often have a size requirement for them to occur. Virtual classes can be done whether there is one person signed up or multiple. It also can be difficult to find in-person classes nearby, but with virtual classes, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Lastly, participating in virtual training allows you to complete it whenever you have free time instead of having to find time in your schedule to attend a pre-scheduled class. Upon completing the course and passing the virtual skills test, the student will be issued a digital certification within 4 hours of completion. The AED.com Virtual BLS class meets BLS, OSHA, and workplace requirements.

Key Benefits of virtual BLS class

  • No class size requirement
  • No travel time
  • Completed at your convenience
  • Digital certification
  • Meets BLS, OSHA, and workplace requirements

Sadly, 70% of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency because they don’t have any training or expired training.1 Don’t wait for an emergency to arise to think about whether you should be prepared. Sign up today to receive your certification in our Virtual Basic Life Support course.


1American Heart Association. (2023). CPR statistics. AHA CPR First Aid Blog. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://cprblog.heart.org/cpr-statistics/#:~:text=Sadly%2C%2070%20percent%20of%20Americans,percent%20of%20cardiac%20arrests%20occur

2Zoll. (2023). Zoll Medical Corporation. ZOLL Medical. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.zoll.com/resources/basic-cardiac-life-support 

DISCLAIMER: Information and resources found on the aed.com website/blog are intended to educate, inform, and motivate readers to make their health and wellness decisions after consulting with their healthcare provider. The authors are not healthcare providers. No information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition.
